Me Made May Week 2

Meg’s Me Made May Week 2
Day 1: Otis Overalls + old tee
My favorite look of the bunch! I love the look of a fitted tee under the Otis. I’m adding several Stasia tees to my sewing queue, which is growing a bit too quickly due to the arrival of my new best sewing friend, the Juki MCS-1500 coverstitch machine.
Day 2: Stasia Dress + Blackwood Cardigan + thrifted jeans
It’s been colder than usual in North Carolina, and thankfully I hadn’t yet packed away my Blackwood Cardigan. This look feels like elevated lounge wear to me. I’m used to layering short dresses over pants, but I hadn’t tried with a midi-length dress. I like it! Definitely cozy.
Day 3: Arthur Pants + The Bee and the Fox tee
Very simple outfit, but the silhouette of the Arthur Pants is anything but boring, even in this neutral gray Essex linen.
Day 4: Strata Top + Arenite Pants + thrifted scarf
The Strata and the Arenites are designed to go well together. These Arenites are my current pants crush – this is the woven view with elastic cuffs, but the stonewashed rayon fabric makes them so fluid and comfortable that they might as well be a knit pair – I barely notice they are there – the best compliment for a pair of pants.)
Day 5: Zadie Dress + Arenite Pants
I’ve had this Zadie Dress in my perfect red ponte knit for about 5 years, and it’s held up exceptionally well. I wish I could find this shade of red in all of my favorite fabric substrates, but unfortunately for me, they tend toward a cooler maroon instead of this warm scarlet. Here’s hoping!

Meredith’s Me Made May Week 2
Day 1: March Dress + Lotta Clogs
While my mom was visiting we sewed up this March Dress together using some Warp + Weft fabric, and I have been wearing every chance I get since. It’s finally feeling like spring here, and though I would have been a bit chilly had I been outside in the evening, this dress is turning out to be a great between season piece.
Day 2: Stasia Dress + Hinterland Dress
My button front Hinterland dress is one of the most versatile pieces I own. It’s great on its own in the heat of summer, and so fun worn open over a dress, as I have it here. This look is a little outside my comfort zone, but something I’d been wanting to try once I found or made the right piece for underneath. My marigold Stasia was just what I needed. I love the contrast with the deep navy blue. I was unsure if I could “pull off” a layered look like this, but it turns out the key to pulling something off is finding pieces that give you confidence. Both of these dresses, plus a trusty pair of clogs do just that.
Day 3: Stasia Dress + Shifty Sweater
For me this outfit is the epitome of transitional dressing. A comfy knit dress, with a bright, cropped sweater overtop to guard against any chills, and an easy pair of flats. Not quite Spring, but definitely no longer Winter, this outfit pulls a bit from each season. (You might recognize the blue Stasia as the one I was making during the sew-along.)
Day 4: Penny Pinafore + Stasia Tee
I once said I’d never met an apron dress I didn’t want to make and Penny is no exception. This was the warmest day we’ve had yet, so I dressed accordingly, and felt like I was in fairy tale all day.
Day 5: Stasia Dress + Favorite bandana
Rounding out the week with a repeat of my sunny Stasia to celebrate the continued warmth. This bandana always makes me think of the dear friend who sent it, and it contains many colors from my go-to palette, so I am always looking for outfits to add it to. I think it adds just the right amount of magic to my new favorite dress.